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<News> Total layout overhaul!
The Past [Past] EmptySun Jun 19, 2022 6:14 pm by bels
Total layout overhaul!
June - 2022

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My my my, here we are again. We apologize for the radio silence, but as life has been keeping both admins busy like bees, we are happy to finally write a small news update for you. Things are happening on our small site, and we …

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<News> Activity Check and In-Game News!
The Past [Past] EmptyTue Dec 14, 2021 5:00 pm by bels
Activity Check and In-Game News!
December - 2021

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It is time once again for some news. The year is coming to an end and what a year it has been! We've held our first world event, welcomed new and old players and seen as your creativity has sprung freely in the …

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<News> End of Event - What’s Next?
The Past [Past] EmptyTue Sep 21, 2021 11:19 am by bels
What's Next?
September - 2021

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Wow, has it really been 5 months since our last news update? Well Summer has come and gone, and today we close up the world event that has been running since December of last year. But with the event ending we are now faced with the …

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<News> Happy Easter and a Couple of Updates!
The Past [Past] EmptyMon Apr 05, 2021 12:35 pm by bels
Happy Easter and a Couple of Updates!
April - 2021

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First of all, happy easter for those who celebrate! Though we'll all be celebrating differently, we'd like to wish you a good time either way. 2021 has now had it's first three months, and as we are now entering …

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<News> Finishing Off the Year & Upcoming World Event
The Past [Past] EmptySun Dec 20, 2020 5:58 pm by bels
Finishing Off the Year & Upcoming World Event
December - 2020

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With the year of 2020 nearing its end, we thought it would be optimal to do a small round-up of how the year has been, what has happened and unveil some plans for the future. 2020 has for many been …

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Full name : Mari Belle Godfrey
Posts : 200
Join date : 2021-07-23

The Past [Past] Empty
PostSubject: The Past [Past]   The Past [Past] EmptyWed Sep 29, 2021 8:22 pm


(Idk why this had to happen but it had to)

She sat on the railing of the balcony, her feet dangling off the edge. She had looked down, it was quite far but she wasnt really worried. She was more taken by the beautiful view of this place. “This is truly beautiful.” She mumbled to herself, chuckling as her eyes moved down to the city surrounding the castle. It didnt look like much during the day but at night it was so lively and beautiful. Truly breathtaking beauty. She knew she couldnt be here for long, as the emmisary of her own world that was now long forgotten. Her people had made it to the Abyssus and luckily the king and queen had the biggest hearts Jade had ever heard off.
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Full name : Christopher "Kit" Ellis
Posts : 212
Join date : 2021-09-10

The Past [Past] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Past [Past]   The Past [Past] EmptyWed Sep 29, 2021 8:29 pm

Being the youngest son of the king and queen meant he could take certain liberties. He was well liked among the people, and people usually referred to him by his middle name as it wasn't nearly as formal. It also meant he didn't have to worry too much in getting recognized by outsiders. This was also far before he had gotten the scars of battle, and even before he had gotten married. Although he was expected to find a wife, it wasn't what he wanted right now. He was still young and carefree, and that was basically it.
He was sitting at a tavern that had placed long tables and benches outside, sharing a round of mead as he chuckled, talking to one of the sailors that had come to port this evening. He was deep in conversation as he talked with the traveler in his native tongue to make it easier to communicate. The sailor was talking about far away lands, lands that few in this kingdom had seen or ever would see. The seas were a dangerous thing to be on and yet he thought he might become a traveler once he grew a bit older. He leaned back, getting up to go fetch them another round, standing in line at the small bar up by the window.
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Full name : Mari Belle Godfrey
Posts : 200
Join date : 2021-07-23

The Past [Past] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Past [Past]   The Past [Past] EmptyWed Sep 29, 2021 8:42 pm

Oh but she loved it here, she didnt even want to think about going home. She watched the city life, looking at the faces of everyone that was walking around and dealing with their nightly life. Oh how she loved watching people, they were all so beautiful to her. Leaning a little to the side onto her hand, she felt like she could levitate. She got up on her feet that was barren, wearing a light but beautiful see through dress, her oddly coloured hair following the wind. She stood there for a bit, before she leaned forward, letting herself fall which made a couple of guards yell and run to the balcony, some yelling to others. People who had seen it were shocked and frightened at the sight. And yet, none of them dared to go check. If they did, Jade would just be lying in the grass, chuckling as she ran her arms up and down, feeling the soft tickles on her barren arms.
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Full name : Christopher "Kit" Ellis
Posts : 212
Join date : 2021-09-10

The Past [Past] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Past [Past]   The Past [Past] EmptyWed Sep 29, 2021 8:52 pm

He was next in line as he heard the yell, frowning as he excused himself, running off. This settlement was peaceful, and when guards yelled like that it usually meant trouble. Reaching the place he could see the guards move around in bewilderment above as he himself spotted the strange girl giggling in the grass. Smiling to himself he moved a little closer, not wanting to be seen just yet. If she didn't notice he would sit down in the grass a little bit away, smiling to himself. "I don't think the guards like getting scared like that," he said with a slight shrug. He was a little buzzed, but it wasn't too bad, although she could probably smell the honey mead on him.
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Full name : Mari Belle Godfrey
Posts : 200
Join date : 2021-07-23

The Past [Past] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Past [Past]   The Past [Past] EmptyWed Sep 29, 2021 9:00 pm

She wasnt easy to startle so hearing someone speak to her, she seemed unfazed, still just taking in the soft feeling of grass. “They dont seem to ever smile so maybe this will keep them on their toes.” She just mumbled, smiling to herself. She turned her eyes to look at who had joined her, her eyes widening shortly as she realized who it was. “You are one of the children.” She remarked, rolling over onto her stomach, resting her head between her hands. He was beautiful too, she could easily tell. “Did I ruin your evening?”
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Full name : Christopher "Kit" Ellis
Posts : 212
Join date : 2021-09-10

The Past [Past] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Past [Past]   The Past [Past] EmptyWed Sep 29, 2021 9:10 pm

He chuckled at her reasoning, she was a funny one, wasn't she? But then she looked at him an seemed to recognize him, making him frown a little at the words she used. Children? Did he look like a kid to her? He was considered a man, although he was the youngest, so he bet it was just how it was always going to be. "No-one ever ruins my evening without my consent," he chuckled, looking up at the sky, two moons visible from where they sat. "Although I did leave some fun company, but that was my own choice," he said, turning his head to look at her. His smile was charming, but not in the schmoozing way. He was just naturally like that, easy to smile and laugh, a light soul. "You're one of the emissaries, aren't you?" he asked, if not her looks giving it away, then her clothing.
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Full name : Mari Belle Godfrey
Posts : 200
Join date : 2021-07-23

The Past [Past] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Past [Past]   The Past [Past] EmptyWed Sep 29, 2021 9:20 pm

“I see.” She replied at his answer, looking up at the sky as well. What she loved the most about this realm was the stardust in the night sky that looked like a rainbow passing by. Like some sort of spaceship bigger than the sun and moons just making it way around with no goal, aimlessly just being. “Yes. I dont have the same swirls of beauty like the rest of you.” She said, but yet she wasnt just plain. Her arms bore a light in lines that only seemed to glimmer when exposed to the nightsky above. “Valerian right? That’s what everyone calls you, Prince?” She asked, narrowing her eyes a little bit, dangling her feet up in the air. “I’m Jade. At least in your tongue.”
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Full name : Christopher "Kit" Ellis
Posts : 212
Join date : 2021-09-10

The Past [Past] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Past [Past]   The Past [Past] EmptyWed Sep 29, 2021 9:27 pm

"Not all of us have them," he said, pulling his arms up, showing he had no marks of any kind. The rest of his family had them, but he didn't and he had given up thinking about why a long time ago. "Valerian is fine," he smiled friendly, nodding as he eyed her feet, chuckling a bit as he laid down in the grass with her, mimicking her. Not to make fun of her, but rather wanting to understand why. "Nice to meet you Jade," he said politely. He knew he should probably say something princely, but that wasn't really his gig. No, his siblings were way better at that, and he could just live his life. "What are you doing out here scaring guards?"
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Full name : Mari Belle Godfrey
Posts : 200
Join date : 2021-07-23

The Past [Past] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Past [Past]   The Past [Past] EmptyWed Sep 29, 2021 9:33 pm

“Oh. Well, then they’ve probably hidden away inside of you instead.” She said in a thoughtful tone, tilting her head. Valerian it was then. She wasnt good at formality anyway but it seemed that her foreign background excused her behaviour. “Is it nice to meet me? Or are you just saying that.” She wondered, though she wasnt holding it against him. She didnt really see him mimicking her as bad either, if he had fun with it.
“I was wondering how it feels to fall towards something. Where I come from, we never fall.” She admitted, moving a hand from her face to grip some grass between her fingers, gently touching it. “We dont have grass either. Or anything that is as alive as here. Well we used to not, now we have nothing.” She explained but didnt seem affected at all.
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Full name : Christopher "Kit" Ellis
Posts : 212
Join date : 2021-09-10

The Past [Past] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Past [Past]   The Past [Past] EmptyWed Sep 29, 2021 9:43 pm

That was a fair point, but he didn't think about it too much. Her words were a bit offensive. "Do I not seem like I think it is nice to meet you?" He returned, wondering if everyone was as strange as she was where she came from. Her words didn't make a lot of sense. Didn't fall? No grass and not anything alive and now nothing. "I heard that your people lost their home," he said, though he wasn't sure if it was a question or a statement. "If you don't fall, do you have wings?"
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Full name : Mari Belle Godfrey
Posts : 200
Join date : 2021-07-23

The Past [Past] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Past [Past]   The Past [Past] EmptyWed Sep 29, 2021 10:01 pm

She chuckled at his question and felt up a strand of grass before carefully picking it to inspect it closer. She nodded at mention of her home, closing her eyes as she sighed. “It had come to a natural end of it’s cycle. Now it will be a new world for new people.” She explained, hoping that somehow made sense.
His question however made her pucker her lips. “I guess we dont suffer from the same pull as you do. When I fell, it felt freeing and wild. But I didnt hurt when I fell, which is what I guess everyone was expecting.” She said, sighing to herself before she pushed herself up to sit. “Do you mind showing me around? Or should I ask around in the city?” She asked. Maybe he was too royal to bother with an emmisary.
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Full name : Christopher "Kit" Ellis
Posts : 212
Join date : 2021-09-10

The Past [Past] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Past [Past]   The Past [Past] EmptyThu Sep 30, 2021 3:16 pm

"So you're light as a feather I take it," he smiled, not really bothered by her strangeness. She was sweet, although a little confusing, but no weirder than any other traveler he had met. Her question made him smile, shaking his head with a small chuckle as she asked if he minded. "I wouldn't be a good host if I didn't take the time to make you feel welcome," he said, getting up on his feet, reaching his hand down to help her up. He had been raised with good manners and parents that were always there for him. His mother had taught him about art and women, his father about politics and men. Although he had a feeling she wasn't quite either. Like a beautiful nymph you'd only hear about in a poem. "My lady," he said with a warm smile, "what would you like to see first? The high tower of bells? The stables? Perhaps the harbour?" He suggested some places, just to get her inspiration flowing.
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Full name : Mari Belle Godfrey
Posts : 200
Join date : 2021-07-23

The Past [Past] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Past [Past]   The Past [Past] EmptyThu Sep 30, 2021 4:53 pm

He was so kind but then again so seemed most that she had met. It was hard to believe that there could be anyone rude in this realm, at least if Jade got to vouch for them. She took his hand and got to her feet, adjusting her light dress before he spoke to her again. But she couldnt simply make her mind just then. “All those places do sound lovely. But I am quite curious to what this place is like from the eyes of a local. So what is your favorite place?” She asked with a slight smile over her lips.
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Full name : Christopher "Kit" Ellis
Posts : 212
Join date : 2021-09-10

The Past [Past] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Past [Past]   The Past [Past] EmptyThu Sep 30, 2021 9:04 pm

Valerian hummed at her question. He had a fair few good places, nome of them his favorite, but he knew a place that he held rather dear to his heart. "Alright, but you have to promise me not to show anyone else," he said rather seriously. His lips soon enough pulled up in a warm smile before leading her the way, letting her take his arm if she wished it so. While they walked he spoke about what they were passing. He knew it all by heart, not because he had great interest, but he sometimes helped his cousin read up on certain historic events. He was starting to sober up, the sky above them mysterious as ever as he led her in to town and down towards the harbour. He stopped at a small Inn where he ran in to a few people he knew. Or rather he thought he knew, because they spoke to him as if they were old friends and he felt rather embarrassed at the fact he couldn't place them.
Soon enough he had taken her down to the beaches a small bit away from the still lively harbour. The rock formations down here was unique, the water calming as it hit the beach, but on stormy nights the waves would throw themselves at the rocks. He stopped at a cave, turning around to look at her, "I hope you trust me," he said holding out his hand for her to guide her through the dark cavern.
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Full name : Mari Belle Godfrey
Posts : 200
Join date : 2021-07-23

The Past [Past] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Past [Past]   The Past [Past] EmptyThu Sep 30, 2021 9:28 pm

She chuckled as he told her to promise not to show anyone else. “Cross my heart.” She promised, motioning a cross over her heart with her slender ink covered fingers. Or it looked more like something imprinted in her skin than a tattoo or a mark. She followed his lead and took in what he told along with her eyes moving around.
When they reached the inn, she smiled in a friendly manner at the people, standing politely as they spoke to the prince. She however sensed that he wasnt as glad to see them as they were him. Not that they noticed, it seemed. They moved on and she looked out on the water as they got there. “In my world, water was never as wild and free as your ocean seem to be.” She said before they stopped at a cave. His words made her chuckle. “Trust comes easy, abd you have yet to give me a reason not to trust you.” She argued before she took his hand and followed him. In the dark, her eyes glimmered along with the lines on her arms, making her eyes seem like they were shifting through a million colours at once.
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Full name : Christopher "Kit" Ellis
Posts : 212
Join date : 2021-09-10

The Past [Past] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Past [Past]   The Past [Past] EmptySat Oct 02, 2021 11:31 pm

Valerian smiled, nodding as she was quite right about that. Although for some trust was something you had to earn. He held her hand quite delicately, just leading her through the dark until they reached a widening in the cave. Inside there were different carvings in the stone, and he let go of her hand, walking to a specific carving. "Only people in my bloodline can access this place," he explained, "and well, guests if we wish it so." It was really a marvelous ancient cave, that curved around, and in the middle of it stood a small scrying pool. "Has anyone told you how our world works yet?" he asked, clearly interested in hearing what she had gathered from all of this. Surely she must've noticed how everything seemingly depended on one another for survival in a sense.
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Full name : Mari Belle Godfrey
Posts : 200
Join date : 2021-07-23

The Past [Past] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Past [Past]   The Past [Past] EmptySun Oct 03, 2021 3:07 am

Reaching the widening she looked around with almost doe eyes of curiousity. The cravings were beautiful and she wished she understood but she couldnt. "Oh so you're really going to show me just something marvelous" she chuckled softly, though she was quite thankful. His question made her fold her lips in thought before she simply shook her head and sighed. "Not like.... fully. I got the basics from the King and Queen." she explained but she wasnt sure she had fully understood the concept. But where she came from had also been so different from this. "I'm already just surprised that you walk around and there's air to fill your lungs. We had these special stones that we kept in our mouths to breathe."
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Full name : Christopher "Kit" Ellis
Posts : 212
Join date : 2021-09-10

The Past [Past] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Past [Past]   The Past [Past] EmptySun Oct 03, 2021 10:30 am

He nodded, seeing as it probably was quite complicated if you hadn't grown up with it. He touched one of the writings, knowing full well what it said, but to her it must've not made a lot of sense. She mentioned her own world once more, making him frown as he looked at her rather surprised. "Your world sounds like it was quite different indeed," he had to agree with her. He walked up to the scrying pool, gesturing for her to come closer.
"I want to show you something that not many people have seen," he said, taking out a small knife. Everyone in this realm carried one, but it wasn't a weapon. It was to use one's own blood. Making a small cut along his wrist, he let some of his blood drip in to the small pool, saying something in an ancient tongue before wrapping up the cut. He always carried a handkerchief for this reason.
"Take my hand," he said, holding out his good one. One of the carvings started glowing, the ancient rock shaking as it reformed in to a doorway that he let her through.
On the other side of the portal it was nearing daylight, a small building up ahead and animalistic screams in the air. "I hope you aren't easily frightened," he chuckled as a giant wyvern flew close over their heads, making them have to duck.
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Full name : Mari Belle Godfrey
Posts : 200
Join date : 2021-07-23

The Past [Past] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Past [Past]   The Past [Past] EmptyTue Oct 05, 2021 9:53 pm

"I would have loved to show it. I think you would then understand the feeling I have walking around here and why it's great to feel that." she said in a ponder, though there was no way of doing that at this point. Maybe if there was a way to travel back in time. She looked at the knife, not scared but curious, watching as he made his cut. That was quite peculiar indeed. The silvery blood made her blink a few times. "You are really something special." she remarked like she could see the shiny shimmer in the flowing liquid.
She took his hand and followed, surprised to walk through a doorway to a seemingly different place. It wasnt all that surprising to end up someplace different but it had looked like just a regular doorway. "I dont frighten at all." she assured him, hearing the scream that made her look up just as they had to duck. She let out an amazed wow, moving forward as she still held onto his hand which stopped her from going too far. "What are these?" she asked, looking back at him with soft eyes.
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Full name : Christopher "Kit" Ellis
Posts : 212
Join date : 2021-09-10

The Past [Past] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Past [Past]   The Past [Past] EmptyTue Oct 05, 2021 10:31 pm

It sounded like a nice compliment, but he shook his head. He was far from special. In fact he was probably the least interesting person of his family. Though that didn't mean he didn't strive to become someone some day.
Walking through the doorway and out in to the open field he couldn't help but chuckle at the wind from the wyvern made his hair go crazy. He kept it relatively short, to around just under his earlobe. Or well, it was short for the standard of hair in the Abyssus anyways. "Wyverns," he said, pulling her with him as he headed towards the hut. Walking inside he let go of her hand, walking over to the wall to pull a leaver that made the middle of the hut dethatch from the floor and slowly begin rising up from the floor. He walked over to her, joining her on the platform as it lifted them up in to the air. Wyverns came flying, soaring around the slow-rising tower they were in now. "They say that once a wyvern turned itself in to a woman and wed the king, and since then an alliance has been in place between our kinds," he told, though it was abbreviating the story somewhat for simplicity.
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Full name : Mari Belle Godfrey
Posts : 200
Join date : 2021-07-23

The Past [Past] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Past [Past]   The Past [Past] EmptyTue Oct 05, 2021 11:28 pm

“Wyverns” she repeated with a smile, looking up at the elegant creatures flying around in all their might. It reminded her of a creature she had seen in her own homeland, though unlike these dragonlike creatures, the ones she knew spread stardust from their wings as they flew around on their merry way. “They are so close, I feel like I can almost just reach out.” She chuckled. Following his pull she couldnt move her eyes away from the sky. Hiwever the hut obstructed her view and she watched as he went to grab the lever. Being lifted up on the platform didnt seem to move her like gravity didnt faze her, but she had already mentioned that. “So you’ve befriended them?” She asked, walking over to the edge to look down at the ground below. “But you said that only your bloodline can come to this place? Is there a reason why they’re not out with the rest of your beautiful world?” She asked, though it was common knowledge in the Abyssus that wyverns were loved but also hunted creatures.
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Full name : Christopher "Kit" Ellis
Posts : 212
Join date : 2021-09-10

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PostSubject: Re: The Past [Past]   The Past [Past] EmptyTue Oct 05, 2021 11:36 pm

"I'm afraid they do not wish to speak to me, but I do know a fair bit of them," he smiled. He wasn't one of the chosen ones. Though he had the blood, he could not make the connection. That was reserved for a very limited amount of people. She asked why they were kept here and he sighed, "here they are safe and the union we formed with them can be kept intact," he explained as he saw something in the distance. A large dark red wyvern with black claws flying towards the tower. He knew that wyvern too well. "Perhaps you would like to meet one ... Up close?" he asked, tilting his head to the side as he looked at Jade with a smile on his lips.
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Full name : Mari Belle Godfrey
Posts : 200
Join date : 2021-07-23

The Past [Past] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Past [Past]   The Past [Past] EmptyWed Oct 06, 2021 12:01 am

“I see.” She replied, noticing that he saw something but she was also busy looking at what was below. Why the wyverns seemed to enjoy circling around the tower, she couldnt tell. But she admired them regardless. His question made her chuckle before she looked at him, nodding. “If they wont harm me for being an outsider in their sacred home, then sure.” She agreed. She did feel quite like an intruder when she wasnt even from this place to begin with.
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Full name : Christopher "Kit" Ellis
Posts : 212
Join date : 2021-09-10

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PostSubject: Re: The Past [Past]   The Past [Past] EmptyWed Oct 06, 2021 12:08 am

"I guess you have to trust me that they wont," he said, taking her hand delicately in his own. He pulled her in closer, holding her to his chest as a mischievous smile spread on his face, "Hold on," he said, stepping hard on the floor before it collapsed in to a hole and they fell through. He hoped that when he was holding her close, she could get to experience what falling really felt like.
Not falling for long, they soon landed at the back of one of the wyverns, a rider sitting on the back with a large helmet on that obscured their face. "Thank you for the ride," he yelled, guiding Jade as to where she could hold on as the wyvern flew them around, guided by the rider. From up here they could really feel the wind in their hair, and see how the ocean went on forever. They were on an island far from the main land it seemed.
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Full name : Mari Belle Godfrey
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Join date : 2021-07-23

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PostSubject: Re: The Past [Past]   The Past [Past] EmptyWed Oct 06, 2021 1:48 am

He was quite charasmatic wasnt he? She wasnt really oblivious to that at all, though attraction was treated differently in her customs. He pulled her in and she was a little confused until the ground seemed to disappear underneath them. Him holding onto her made her feel what falling was really like and she giggled all the way down. Landing on the wyvern she gasped as she realized, looking around and holding onto where Valerian told her to grip onto. She looked around at the moving scenery, laughing in a giddy manner as she pushed her shoulder towards the prince. “I love this!” She chuckled, feeling the air flow through her long hair that spread it to every which direction.
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