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World Information

World Name | Gambion
Period | Modern
Year | 2023
Season | Winter
Month | January

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<News> Total layout overhaul!
Kaleidoscope EmptySun Jun 19, 2022 6:14 pm by bels
Total layout overhaul!
June - 2022

General information
My my my, here we are again. We apologize for the radio silence, but as life has been keeping both admins busy like bees, we are happy to finally write a small news update for you. Things are happening on our small site, and we …

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<News> Activity Check and In-Game News!
Kaleidoscope EmptyTue Dec 14, 2021 5:00 pm by bels
Activity Check and In-Game News!
December - 2021

General information
It is time once again for some news. The year is coming to an end and what a year it has been! We've held our first world event, welcomed new and old players and seen as your creativity has sprung freely in the …

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<News> End of Event - What’s Next?
Kaleidoscope EmptyTue Sep 21, 2021 11:19 am by bels
What's Next?
September - 2021

General information
Wow, has it really been 5 months since our last news update? Well Summer has come and gone, and today we close up the world event that has been running since December of last year. But with the event ending we are now faced with the …

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<News> Happy Easter and a Couple of Updates!
Kaleidoscope EmptyMon Apr 05, 2021 12:35 pm by bels
Happy Easter and a Couple of Updates!
April - 2021

General information
First of all, happy easter for those who celebrate! Though we'll all be celebrating differently, we'd like to wish you a good time either way. 2021 has now had it's first three months, and as we are now entering …

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<News> Finishing Off the Year & Upcoming World Event
Kaleidoscope EmptySun Dec 20, 2020 5:58 pm by bels
Finishing Off the Year & Upcoming World Event
December - 2020

General information
With the year of 2020 nearing its end, we thought it would be optimal to do a small round-up of how the year has been, what has happened and unveil some plans for the future. 2020 has for many been …

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General Information

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Getting started

Kaleidoscope 3310 Kaleidoscope 34535310 [Mandatory read] Welcome and glad to see you! Everything you could ever need to know about the site itself and it's setting. This goes for lore that support the ongoing universe. Also here is where you find the rules that will be quite useful to get acquainted with. There are also guides in this section to help you understand the site and its inner workings.

Rules, Guides, Lore
Kaleidoscope 1-41Lore: The Royal ...
Tue May 19, 2020 9:15 pm
Andy View latest post
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Kaleidoscope Celest10 Kaleidoscope 34535310 Every site in a fantasy setting will need an assortment of races to choose between for character making. All races are listed here in this section.There are default races to choose between, as well as an option to either mix through hybrid-races or completely make your own!

Kaleidoscope 1-41Rare race: Fayes...
Sun Jan 17, 2021 11:44 pm
Andy View latest post
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Kaleidoscope 3210 Kaleidoscope 34535310 This is the main source communication from admins to all players. News about updates or changes to the world (and event alerts that wont be in World Events) will be written here. It is also a good way to have all of the changes that are made on the site in one place for everyone to keep track.

Kaleidoscope 2-82<News> Total lay...
Sun Jun 19, 2022 6:14 pm
bels View latest post
Kaleidoscope Empty

Guidance and help

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Kaleidoscope 64b67e10 Kaleidoscope 34535310 To keep order and organize the world setting are there claims to be made for each and every character. This section holds all possible claims on the site that is user-claimed. It can be everything from in-game residential living or titles, or more OOC claims such as faceclaims.

Kaleidoscope 1-41Claims: Who's wh...
Sun Aug 30, 2020 3:09 pm
Andy View latest post
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Kaleidoscope Image10 Kaleidoscope 34535310 Need help with anything? Have questions about the lore or something else that needs cleared up? Then please write here.

Kaleidoscope 1-41Getting color
Sun Nov 03, 2019 11:31 pm
Andy View latest post
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Suggestions and concerns

Kaleidoscope 564610 Kaleidoscope 34535310 Do you have any suggestions for the page that you want the admins to look into? Is there something that you're missing in your roleplay? This is this the place for that.

Kaleidoscope 3-23Holiday suggesti...
Wed Feb 05, 2020 10:53 pm
Buffy View latest post
Kaleidoscope Empty

Out of Character

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OOC Absence

Need a break from RP? Sometimes life gets in the way and it's unavoidable. Here is the place for you to notify your partners that you'll be gone, if needed be.

Kaleidoscope 27-57Osiris, activty ...
Fri Mar 18, 2022 5:30 pm
Osiris View latest post
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Have we linked our AD on your site? Do you want to return the favor? Look no more, this is where all adverts go! It doesnt matter to us if you're a first link'er or linking back, we're welcoming every link as long as it's in relation to RP. (GUEST FRIENDLY)

Kaleidoscope 2-82Ephemere [
Sun Jul 30, 2023 2:19 am
bels View latest post
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Kaleidoscope Roldan11 Kaleidoscope 34535310 Got some art that you need a place to show off? Or do you perhaps have a work in progress you need some feedback on? Please don't hesitate to post here.

Kaleidoscope 3-23Moodboards, edit...
Wed Jan 12, 2022 1:52 pm
Buffy View latest post
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Fun & Games

Kaleidoscope Roldan13 Kaleidoscope 34535310 This section is for any small game you've got in mind. Want to start a gif thread? Guess the meme? The possibilities are endless.

Kaleidoscope 6-5Continue that me...
Fri Apr 01, 2022 12:25 pm
Ethan View latest post
Kaleidoscope Empty

Game related

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Kaleidoscope Roldan14 Kaleidoscope 34535310 This section is purely for plotting and searches for such.

Open threads
Kaleidoscope 26-53Girls just wanna...
Sun Jun 19, 2022 7:18 pm
Persephone View latest post
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Kaleidoscope Roldan15 Kaleidoscope 34535310 Have a very elaborate background story about your character that does not fit on the profile? Perhaps writings relating to your character being a hybrid or of a special race? This is the forum for it.

NPC Characters, Tracker
Kaleidoscope 3-23Alyssa Evelyn Lo...
Sat Apr 30, 2022 11:58 am
Buffy View latest post
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User-owned businesses

Does your character own a business? Do you want to have your business displayed here instead of having to waste profile space? This section is to save that space for something more character related.

Kaleidoscope 110-93User-owned busin...
Mon Dec 12, 2022 4:48 pm
Desmond View latest post
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The internet has made it a lot easier to learn about each other and explore strangers from the comfort of your own smartphone. This tab is everything related to your character's phone, social media etc.

Phone, Internet, Whistle, PXL, Qubes
Kaleidoscope 63-56Romeo's PXL
Thu Jul 21, 2022 3:18 pm
Romeo View latest post
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Clans, cults and groups

Does your character have their own cult, clan or group? This section is for you to post a brief history and explanation of your group, for others to read and consider whether they'd like to join or not. Note: EVERY clan/cult/group needs to be accepted by admins.

Kaleidoscope 4-3Order of Summone...
Tue Jun 16, 2020 8:46 pm
Baal View latest post
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World events

Events for the world of Gambion in general will be posted here! Please keep up to date if you wish to take advantage of these events. It is not mandatory to participate, it is simply to inspire some creativity to the lore of Kaleidoscope.

Kaleidoscope 14-14World event: A R...
Tue Aug 24, 2021 3:30 pm
Saoirse View latest post
Kaleidoscope Empty


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The biggest and best known city in all of Gambion. Separated into 5 districts, this city has multiple auras and settings for each and every district.

Raleska, Northern District, Western District, Central District, Eastern District, Southern District, The Blocks, The Pipes, Outside of the Cities
Kaleidoscope 63-56Attending busine...
Sat Jan 14, 2023 8:50 am
Romeo View latest post
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Red Isle

Kaleidoscope Robbie10Kaleidoscope Biela_10 Kaleidoscope 34535310 The Red Isle is a rather small island located outside the east coast of the mainland of Churchill. It is said to be where the gods and goddesses first touched ground, scorching the trees that would later be known as the burnt forrest.

Tower of the Elders, Fasthold, Burnt Forrest
avatarSo we meet again...
Mon May 31, 2021 10:49 pm
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Kaleidoscope Biela_12Kaleidoscope Biela_13 Kaleidoscope 34535310 Aurvandil is a small kingdom north west of Churchill consisting of five islands, the main island being Dawne with its capital Mawin. For more information about this country please press here.

Dawne, Sivi, Njord, Willa, Asain
Kaleidoscope 80-88Don't do it like...
Sun Oct 02, 2022 7:20 am
Damiano View latest post
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Kaleidoscope Biela_12Kaleidoscope Biela_14 Kaleidoscope 34535310 Torch was the former land and kingdom for daemons, but has been burned to the ground since the war. There are hints and destruction of what had once been cities and what not. Some of Torch has been rebuilt but most of the land stands as a reminder of what was lost.

Kaleidoscope 14-14First day in thi...
Sun Sep 19, 2021 10:00 pm
Saoirse View latest post
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Kaleidoscope Biela_10Kaleidoscope Biela_13 Kaleidoscope 34535310 Korinthia

Gaeas, Thale
Kaleidoscope 6rejhxkyThe start of som...
Fri Feb 11, 2022 10:00 am
Aiastes View latest post
Kaleidoscope Empty

Other realms

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Ethereal Reach

In olden times, the Ethereal Reach was often referred to through myths and stories. It is a dimension looking like plucked out of a fairytale. Crystals, wildlife and plants are littered all over the world, lit by three suns above, making the ground shine with a full spectrum of colors. Access to the realm is often done so by what is referred to as a fairy ring, a collection of stones and mushrooms that form circles around each other.

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Kaleidoscope Luckyc10Kaleidoscope Luckyc10 Kaleidoscope 34535310 The Abyssus, or perhaps more known as the daemonic realm, is where damned daemon souls go after their final trial. It is also where summoners of the daemonic subspecies retrieve their creatures from. The realm itself is covered in mostly darkness, black swirls of spirits and lost souls all around. This realm wasnt made for outsiders to enter, so you'll quickly find that the whole realm is layered and somehow all connected, which means that traveling with someone you know could end up with neither of you being in the same place, while being in the same place. This could be explained as in you'd hear the echos of your friend while being unable to see or sense then. It is also just not a spa trip, most visitors have come back with endless nightmares about the horrors they've seen, even after a mild exposure. This is hell, not a day resort.

Kaleidoscope 3-23The world can le...
Tue May 31, 2022 2:45 pm
Buffy View latest post
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Other countries

Kaleidoscope Highno10 Kaleidoscope 34535310 Just like our world, the world of Gambion has a number of different countries. Some have fairly similar histories as it was on the old Earth, and others have completely different backgrounds.

avatarAren't you ever ...
Sun Jul 25, 2021 11:10 am
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Other realms

Kaleidoscope 710

Kaleidoscope 34535310

Other realms are just what it says they are; Realms that are not part of Gambion, but in one way or another connected whether it be by a portal or other means. To access these other realms can be dangerous if done wrong, and not all are as they seem.

Kaleidoscope 6rejhxkyDreaming a dream...
Thu Dec 08, 2022 6:35 pm
Aiastes View latest post
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The past

Have a topic that takes place further in the past? Here is the perfect placement for said topic. Any time period goes, even unexplored time. This is not a place for time travel, but a place for people to write intricate plots from their character's past.

Kaleidoscope 22-36Reminiscing abou...
Tue Aug 17, 2021 9:06 am
Cesare View latest post
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Alternative Universe

Do you have an idea for your character, but do not wish to make it canon? Well anything is possible in an alternative universe. AU for short, these topics should not be considered part of a main plot for your character, however more of a spur of the moment idea that might pop in to your head.

Kaleidoscope 63-56The shy boy [AU ...
Thu May 12, 2022 1:55 pm
Romeo View latest post
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